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Resource bag contents:
  • "Empty Arms, Holding On To Hope"
  • "Additional Resources card
  • "Scripture verses
  • "A personal letter from Kathy
  • "An angel to hold on to
  • "A picture of Jesus holding a newborn baby

    Order a free resource bag

Welcome and God bless you

Welcome to the Treasuring Small Spirits home page. This site is dedicated to the memory of my infant son Timothy who died on March 25, 2004. My sister and I created this site so that we might connect with families that are experiencing our same grief. Our ministry, which provides resources to families who have lost an infant, is called Treasuring Small Spirits.

The resource bag we provide is free and contains resources that were instrumental in helping us heal. It is our hope that you will find comfort, peace, and answers to your questions through the resources provided in our bag and on these pages.

Throughout this journey, we have learned that no one grieves the same. There is no blueprint, no right or wrong. Take your time and move through the grieving process at your own pace. We pray that while visiting this site you will be led to the resource that fits your need and will guide you or a loved one through this difficult journey.

Kathy and Debbie

Luke 7:13